Rituals for healing
Rituals for healing
Rituals for healing
Healing Rituals
Studies show that engaging in rituals that are personally meaningful may enhance our sense of wellbeing by providing structure, meaning, and emotional comfort, along with a sense of control. They can be anything that holds personal meaning for us and is performed (usually but not always), repeatedly and with conscious awareness and intentionality. Habits, on the other hand, may be helpful or harmful and are often done unconsciously (though not always), for the express purpose of achieving something practical.
While in rare cases rituals may have a dark side if they become an emotion crutch, as in obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), if used on an ongoing basis, or particularly if we are in a state of anxiety or grief, they can also provide much meaning in our lives. Religious folks may have an edge over the rest of us when it comes to rituals, but the most meaningful ones may even be personal, idiosyncratic and completely made up by us.
When we create or participate in them alongside other people, they have the added boost of a healing connective factor, but even those engaged in only by ourselves may be helpful and healing.
Examples of Rituals:
- Setting intentions for the New Year and then burning or burying them.
- Exchanging gag gifts with a friend or loved one.
- Partners committing to holding hands whenever engaging in difficult conversations.
- Writing a list of whatever is bugging you, then sprinkling salt on it and tearing it up into pieces (yes, it can even be that weird!).
- Repeating uplifting mantras on a daily basis to uplift your mood.
Skeptical? Give it a try for yourself!