Rediscovering Your Inner Light
Rediscovering Your Inner Light
Rediscovering Your Inner Light
Did you know that your DNA is composed of the same elements forged in stars and the Big Bang? It’s true—we are literally made of stardust! As scientific understanding continues to evolve, there is growing evidence suggesting that the universe itself may be a conscious entity. If that’s the case, we are not separate from creation but deeply interconnected, participating in an ongoing cosmic dance with the universe.
Did you know that your DNA is composed of the same elements forged in stars and the Big Bang? It’s true—we are literally made of stardust! As scientific understanding continues to evolve, there is growing evidence suggesting that the universe itself may be a conscious entity. If that’s the case, we are not separate from creation but deeply interconnected, participating in an ongoing cosmic dance with the universe.
With such immense creative potential within us, why do so many struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, and depression, feeling small and unworthy? Could it be that these feelings are part of a painful illusion we’ve mistakenly accepted as truth? A.H. Almaas, author of The Diamond Approach, proposes that we are born whole, joyful, and naturally creative. However, as we engage with the world—parents, friends, and family, who often carry their own unhealed wounds—we begin absorbing distorted beliefs about ourselves. Though their intentions may be loving, these negative messages are often more reflective of their own struggles than of who we truly are. Advertising, social media, and cultural expectations only reinforce these false narratives, further eroding our self-image.
Over time, it’s as if layers of “mud” collect around our hearts, formed by both minor hurts and deeper traumas, gradually distancing us from our authentic selves. Yet no matter how much life may try to obscure our inner light, our essential self never truly disappears—it waits patiently for us to rediscover its beauty and strength.
Through intentional practices, we can begin to peel away the layers of fear and false belief. Mindfulness, time in nature, self-reflection, and surrounding ourselves with people who see and love us unconditionally are powerful ways to reconnect with our core.
How will you create space today to remember the essence of who you truly are? Even small moments of stillness or self-compassion can remind you that you have always been whole—deeply connected to the universe and radiant with potential.